Seeking Health is at the forefront of innovative formulas that help address genetic differences across individuals. Whether it is optimizing folate metabolism, MTHFR concerns, or histamine intolerance, Seeking Health is a leading source of products addressing epigenetic concerns.
Founder Dr. Ben Lynch is a leading figure in genetic health and wellness. He is the author of the national bestselling book Dirty Genes.
They are known for their histamine support products such as HistaminX, Histamine Digest, and Probiota HistaminX. Seeking Health ensures that their multivitamins (Optimal Man, Multivitamin Plus) and Optimal Prenatal contain nutrients in their most absorbable and effective forms.
Seeking Health provides supplements out of the belief that to remain healthy in our toxic, high-stress environment, with our nutrient-depleted soils, one must supplement with pure, scientifically formulated nutrients.
-See all Seeking Health Prenatal vitamins